
Financing Upper Secondary Education

<p>Courtesy of Tanya Malott for Malala Fund</p>

Courtesy of Tanya Malott for Malala Fund

World leaders must invest the funds necessary to ensure all girls can achieve the goals they set for themselves.

130 million girls are still out of school.

If economies invested money equivalent to just eight days of global military spending, we could bridge the education financing gap of USD 39 billion. Malala Fund commissioned this study to identify how leaders can fund 12 years of free, quality education for girls around the world.

This report identifies how:

  1. Significant increase in funding is the only way to ensure all girls receive free, quality secondary education

  2. The poorest countries face the greatest challenge to provide free education for all girls.

  3. Efforts to provide free education should focus on marginalized girls.

  4. Government commitment and political will is critical to give girls access to quality quality education.


Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead.

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