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Malala Fund welcomes its seventh cohort of Education Champions

Advocates from five countries join a global network of more than 100 past and present Education Champions.

Malala Fund is proud to announce its new cohort of 14 grantees and their organisations joining the Education Champion Network. 

The Education Champion Network supports advocates leading transformative initiatives to help girls complete 12 years of education. This year’s grantees come from Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania. They join a strong network of grantees determined to create a world where every girl can learn and lead. 

“We partnered with local and national organisations to launch projects focused on removing barriers to girls’ education access and completion,” says Leila Seradj, Director of Grant Operations. “These projects address the diverse realities in each country — from promoting climate resilience in Bangladesh to improving girls’ school re-enrolment in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.”

Learn more about our new Education Champions and their organisations below:


Azwa Nayeem, Chairperson, Alokito Hridoy Foundation (AHF)

Alokito Hridoy Foundation delivers quality education to marginalised students in Bangladesh. With their grant, they aim to improve girls' retention rates in secondary education through delivering a gender-responsive teach development programme inthe Mymensingh and Rangpur districts of Bangladesh.

Psyche Islam, Executive Director, Efforts for Rural Advancement (ERA)

Efforts for Rural Advancement supports education access in rural areas affected by climate change. With their grant, they aim to reduce the financial barriers, such as school fees, keeping girls out of school by increasing households' access to public and private financial assistance. They will also build girl-focused coalitions within schools to advance their advocacy efforts. 


Giselle Cristina dos Anjos Santos, Specialist in Gender and Race Intersectionality, Centro de Estudos das Relações de Trabalho e Desigualdades (CEERT)

CEERT advocates for the political, economic and social rights of Black Brazilian women and girls. CEERT will use their grant to train teachers on intersectionality and promote educational initiatives highlighting Black experiences. They will also advocate for greater recognition of Black women and girls in national education policy.

Adriana de Cássia Moreira, Education Projects Coordinator, Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum

Instituto Peregum fights for Black Brazilians’ rights and equality through access to education and other avenues. Their grant will provide seminars and training sessions to policymakers on the importance of girls’ education for Black and Indigenous girls. 

Erika Francisca de Souza, Project Coordinator, Odara - Instituto da Mulher Negra

A previous Malala Fund grantee, Odara fights for the rights of Black girls in wellbeing, safety and education access. The Odara team will use their grant to strengthen safe spaces for girls in northeastern states. They will also build advocacy networks to advance the right of all Black girls to receive an education. 


Gereziher Teklebrhan Embaye, Programme Director and Co-Founder, Araya Women and Children Charitable Organisation

Araya facilitates humanitarian efforts to rebuild communities and get girls back to school after the conflict in Tigray. With their grant, the organisation will train girls and community members to reduce harmful social norms and stress the importance of girls’ education. It will also equip teachers with the skills they need to help students deal with trauma. 

Dalaya Ashenafi, Programme Director, Initiative Africa

Initiative Africa works with private sector companies to enact programmes that eliminate obstacles to education access. With their grant, Initiative Africa aims to re-enrol girls forced out of school due to the conflict in Tigray. The organisation will also provide community mental health support and economic resources to support post-conflict recovery. 

Worknesh Beji, Executive Director, Tarkanfi Sustainable Development

Tarkanfi Sustainable Development (TSD) empowers women and girls through programmes focused on health, education and financial literacy. With their grant, TSD will train community leaders on the importance of girls’ education and work to retain girls at risk of leaving school. 


Sani Muhammad, Executive Director, Bridge Connect Africa Initiative (BCAI) 

BCAI employs a wide range of programming to improve reproductive health, child wellbeing and community engagement. With their grant, BCAI will advocate for Kano State to enact gender transformative education policy. They will also use multimedia resources to spread awareness on girls’ education throughout the state.

Habiba Mohammed, Executive Director, Centre for Girls Education (CGE)

Centre for Girls Education works to empower girls in Kaduna State through advocacy, research and community engagement. With their grant, CGE will research best practices to get girls’ in school. They will also work to codify 12 years of free education into Kaduna State law. 

Hamzat Lawal, Executive Director, Connected Development (CODE)

Connected Development gives community members the tools to engage in financial policy and decision-making. With their grant, they will strengthen their current community financial networks and widen outreach efforts. They will also advocate for gender-inclusive education policy.

Toyin Chukwudozie, Executive Director, Education as a Vaccine (EVA)

Education as a Vaccine facilitates youth engagement programmes that train individuals to be strong advocates for their communities. With their grant, they will engage with parents and community members to encourage their support for girls’ education. They will also advocate for free education policies in Kaduna State and more transparency between constituents and government leaders. 


Salama Kikuda, Executive Director, Hope 4 Young Girls Tanzania

Hope 4 Young Girls works in rural areas to combat social norms that prevent girls from completing their education. With their grant, they will inform communities about the impact of harmful social norms and advocate for policies that allow girls to re-enrol in school.

Glory Whyte, Programme Officer, Okoa New Generation

Okoa New Generation fights barriers to girls’ education, including harmful social norms. They provide reproductive health services, financial resources and professional development for girls. With their grant, they will help schools run gender equality-based clubs and provide feminine hygiene products. They will also help married and pregnant girls go back to school.


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