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Malala Fund announces awards for #GivingTuesday fundraising challenge

<p>Courtesy of Hannah Orenstein for Malala Fund</p>

Courtesy of Hannah Orenstein for Malala Fund

Malala Fund's incredible supporters created online peer-to-peer fundraisers for our #GivingTuesday fundraiser challenge to share their passion and rally their community in support of girls’ education. These were the winners.

Malala Fund is thrilled to announce the winners of our #GivingTuesday fundraiser challenge. Our incredible supporters created online peer-to-peer fundraisers to share their passion and rally their community in support of girls’ education.

The winners of the “most passionate,” “most inspiring” and “most clever” campaigns will receive a special package including books and other gifts from Malala Fund.

Most passionate: Mihaela started her fundraiser on behalf of her daughter, Tessa, who is nearly 2 years old and already loves reading. We are so encouraged to see parents teaching their daughters the value of education — not just for themselves, but for all children.

Most inspiring: Jenny’s children, Jessica and Tyler, learned about Malala in school this year and were so moved by her work that they decided to donate some of their own money to support Malala Fund. We were inspired by their generosity and motivation to make a difference for girls around the world.

Most clever: Becca is a graduate student who cares deeply about girls’ education. Over the next several months, she is travelling to Thailand, Italy, Ghana, Egypt, Austria, Switzerland and France — and she has promised to send a personalised postcard to anyone who made a donation to her fundraiser. We loved her creative way of connecting with her supporters.

Thank you to everyone for participating and remember that it’s not too late to bring together your community in support of girls’ education — start your fundraiser today. The money you raise will help girls around the world access quality education and get the chance to choose their futures.

To learn more about how to help, please visit


Nicko Margolies is the digital fundraising manager. He works to expand Malala Fund’s online giving and engagement programmes, including special fundraising campaigns.

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