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Five ways to accelerate progress for girls this Women’s History Month

Throughout Women’s History Month, Malala Fund is sharing the stories of girls and women fighting for their rights and how you can support them.

Headlines these days paint a bleak picture of the state of girls and women’s rights. From cuts in aid for those who need it most to attacks on human rights and setbacks in gender equality — our rights are under attack around the world. But women and girls aren’t standing by. They’re speaking out against injustice and discrimination. They’re fighting for education, reproductive freedom, equity in the workplace and more — and we’re standing with them. 

Throughout Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we’ll be sharing the stories of women and girls fighting back against attacks on their rights. You’ll hear from activists fighting for girls’ education in innovative ways, Afghan girls who are doing everything they can to continue learning and women philanthropists championing girls’ rights. These stories will highlight five ways you can accelerate progress for girls’ education:

Tanzania grantee with girls

  1. Listen to girls and deliver on their vision for education: Girls know exactly what they want from their education — governments and global institutions must listen to them to uphold the right to education for all girls. In a few days, we’ll be launching our Girls’ Vision for Education report to share the results of a consultation with more than 800 girls from 30 countries. We asked girls to share insights into their challenges and priorities for secondary education and help us identify top areas for action for decision-makers. You can join our launch event online on March 12 at 1:30 p.m. GMT by registering here

  2. Fund organisations led by young women: Civil society organisations led by young women can serve as powerful forces for change and authentically represent girls’ voices in decision-making spaces. Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing how some of the organisations Malala Fund supports are working to accelerate progress on girls’ education in creative and impactful ways from Brazil to Nigeria to Tanzania.

    CONAQ - Brazil
  3. Stand up for girls’ right to education where it is denied: March marks the start of the school year in Afghanistan — but not for the nearly 1.4 million girls still banned from going to secondary school by the Taliban. While girls have missed out on more than three years of education, many of them are resisting and learning through alternative and digital learning programmes delivered by our grantee partners. You will hear from Afghan girls who are continuing their education through one of these partners, LEARN. And we will be amplifying the voices of brave Afghan women advocating for the recognition of gender apartheid as a crime under international law. Malala Fund is also partnering with Catharsis Arts Foundation at Atelier Jolie in New York to present an audio installation featuring the voices of girls who are learning in Afghanistan through our grantee partner Rahela Trust. Through this installation, they share what gives them hope, what they dream about for their future and what makes them feel brave and powerful. Stay tuned for more details on how you can experience their stories.

  4. Join the women championing girls’ rights: Women currently control 40% of the world’s wealth and are influential leaders in philanthropy. Studies show women tend to give to initiatives that support women and girls, racial justice and equity. We will be spotlighting women championing girls’ right to education through their giving — from experienced philanthropists to grassroots donors, these women are supporting a cause close to their hearts.

  5. Invest in girls’ education: Today, more than 122 million girls are out of school. Malala Fund supports education activists and advocates working tirelessly to break down the barriers to girls’ education. Our work is only possible with supporters like you by our side: here are a few ways you can contribute to our mission. 

As we honour the incredible achievements that are possible when women and girls can fulfil their potential, we must also remember the potential lost to oppression and discrimination. Millions of girls cannot claim their right to education, choose their own future and contribute their knowledge and skills to the world. By working together, we can advance and protect girls’ right to education, secure resources for their education and make space for their voices to be heard. 

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Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead.

1000 Days of darkness

18-year-old Andréa Bak uses poetry to address prejudice in Brazil

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