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Celebrate International Day of the Girl with Malala and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Tune in on October 11, 2020 at 11 a.m. ET

Donate to Malala Fund on Day of the Girl

Nearly 130 million girls were out of school before the pandemic — and an additional 20 million girls may have their education cut short because of it.

Since April, Malala Fund has been working with our Education Champions to ensure girls continue learning during the COVID-19 crisis. And we are investing an additional $3 million in grants to education organisations who are working to make education systems safer and stronger in the countries where we work.

As the world works to rebuild, our goal should not be a return to the way things were but instead a renewed commitment to the way the world should be, a place where every girl can learn and lead.

On International Day of the Girl, your donation will help fund our work to reach girls who are at risk of not returning to school.