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Education Champion Network

Cassia Jane Souza

Project Coordinator, Centro das Mulheres do Cabo (CMC) Champion since 2020
I want girls to realise that education is essential to change their view of the world and change their stories. They don’t have to settle for the reality they’re living in now…”
Training girls to research education barriers so they can raise awareness through media and radio

The Issue

In the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, poverty and teen pregnancy force girls to drop out of school and join the labour force to support their families. Long distances to school also prevent poorer girls in rural areas from continuing their education.

Cassia Jane’s approach

Policy Reform

In Cassia’s home community on the outskirts of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, many families lived in poverty and didn’t have access to running water and electricity. To improve these conditions, neighbourhood women mobilised and demanded the municipal government open a daycare facility so they could go to work and help support their families. The government agreed to their demands and opened a daycare run by the local organisation Centro das Mulheres do Cabo (CMC). Cassia attended the CMC daycare as a child — and now helps support the next generation of girls from Cabo de Santo Agostinho as project coordinator at CMC. Through her work with CMC, Cassia trains girls to advocate for their right to education. Cassia also represents CMC at the municipal education council where she advocates for gender-responsive education policies.

With her Malala Fund grant, Cassia will train adolescent girls in data collection and analysis so they can research the reasons girls drop out of public schools in Cabo de Santo Agostinho. Cassia and CMC will then teach girls public speaking and media skills so that they can address the findings from their research through advocacy campaigns and on CMC’s radio programme, Radio Mulher.

More about Cassia Jane

Organization's Facebook: Centro das Mulheres do Cabo

There are 10 other Education Champions working in Brazil.